When my uncle was in Denmark
Remember that I mentioned my uncle visited Denmark back in April? Well, if not then you know now. I meant to share photos of some of the days i spent with him. But exams and other things got in the way, and then I basically just forgot. I’m currently sitting in Virginia in USA, it’s 21:30 and I am just chilling and figured this was as good a time as ever to do some blogging!
I didn’t know my Uncle was coming until like a week or two before he came. So it was a bit of a surprise but one of them happy ones. I still had classes and work so I didn’t get to spend all days he was here with him. We did get to hang out a bit though; me, my dad and my uncle. One of the days we walked around in the heart of Copenhagen so he could see the main shopping street. We had lunch at Det Lille Apotek which serves traditional Danish food, specifically known for”open-sandwiches”. We also went to Rundetårn so that he could get a nice view of the city (like the photo above).

Two brothers

If you find yourself in CPH and want traditional Danish food – This is the place!

Different varieties of herring

My uncle about to try herring!

“I’m not sure about this…”
After lunch we went to walk around the shopping street and then we ended the day at the national museum. I kinda forgot how huge that museum is. I always tend to get lost when I’m there… We ended the day with Dinner at Halifax (a burger joint) on Østerbrogade.

Yummy burger at Halifax

Actually on the first night I saw my Uncle we went to Tivoli to walk around and have some nice food at Wagamama’s. We did try a few rides in Tivoli but it was rather late so we only tried about six-seven things I think… I even managed to talk my dad into trying a ride!


One of the last days he was here we went to Helsingør and Helsingborg (southern Sweden). We went to see Kronborg castle, a castle from the 16th century which is on UNESCO’s world heritage list. We basically had the best weather in Denmark whist my uncle was there, and so we went to have a little look at the beach outside the castle too.
I remember standing in outside the castle thinking about how close I was to Helsingborg. You, see Richard was supposed to move to Helsingborg early next year and so standing there looking at how close it was made me so happy. Odd how fast ones life can change.

I’m not always great at taking ‘panoram view’ photos… Does it show? 😀

We later took the ferry from Helsingør to Helsingborg and had some burgers at Max, a swedish burger-chain. I do hope my uncle had a good time and maybe one day he will return, perhaps with my cousins! ?

Looks like y’all had a really great time in Copenhagen. My best friend visited me from the US about a month ago and she absolutely loved it as well (:
Thank you and I think we did 😀
I feel like a lot of tourists love Copenhagen, or Denmark in general. Which I completely understand ^_^