A whole new quiet world

It’s only been a few days since our prime minister told us to avoid crowds, work from home, stay indoors as much as possible, stay in the country and that our borders are now closing – but it is already affecting our world and daily lives a lot. This Covid-19 (corona virus) is a serious thing and I, as many others, worry for my loved ones who are elderly and/or have underlying illnesses.
I don’t particularly mind having to stay indoors more than usual. Plus we can still go for walks and buy groceries as long as we don’t have any symptoms – we just need to keep a bit of distance between ourselves and others. Many stores are still open, and yesterday I went to Magasin to get a new deodorant as I had run out and also picked up groceries from Mad & Vin. I was a bit on the fence about going there, but there were not many people out at all – it was fine!
Today I have been chilling at home, but to be honest that is often what I do on Sundays a part from one change: My local gym is closed. Yes, I know… it is totally a first world problem. Alas I am a creature of habit and I like going to the gym every Sunday morning. Plus my friend would usually join me and we got to chat and catch up too. It’s time to change my routines and find new ones, at least for now.
While Denmark is in lockdown mode
I have thought of a few things I would like to spend my time doing:
To do
Reorganise my wardrobe. I’ve got an idea to move one of my shelves to create a bit more space, and I also really need to go through my scarfs again…
Tidy our spices. I’m certain we’ve got some old spices here and there. It’s time to go through them and chuck the baddies.
Go through my photos. I need to sort through my photos on my computer I am a bit behind!
Blog blog blog! I am definitely prioritising making room to write and edit my photos
Bake… Like everyone else in Denmark (as yeast, flour and eggs are constantly sold out) I aim to bake some nice bread and buns. Perhaps I should even try making a sourdough ?
Try new recipes. Since I don’t have to spend time on transportation every day, I can spend that time trying new recipes.
Make use of free phone calls. On my phone plan I have free calls within Denmark and truth be told I don’t really do thaaat many calls normally. This will for sure change the next few weeks as I can’t spend time with many people face to face.
Watch a lot of series and movies. This leads to the list below of things I plan to watch. There’s a lot of series I’m behind on so now is the time to catch up.
To watch
Lost Girls (Netflix)
13 reasons why – season 2-3 (Netflix)
The Stranger – season 1 (Netflix)
Glow – season 3 (Netflix)
Divorce – season 3 (HBO Nordic)
Blank – season 3 (DR TV)
Hustlers (Blockbuster)
And many many more!
To listen
“Sitter” podcast
“Breaking beauty” podcast
“Mads og monopolet” podcast