Two weeks in America
I have now been in America for two weeks. (Continuing my “diary”…)
Thursday July 2nd
My grandma’ and I stayed in and did nothing. Absolutely nothing. I personally was quite tired and definitely needed a day of doing nothing. I would have gone to the pool but it was a bit gloomy and grey outside so I basically just stayed in all day. I did post the eight days in America post tho’ so I was a bit productive in a way. I also ate a lot of blueberries… Like, a lot! Probably about 800 grams. Seriously, if you buy blueberries and I’m around? HIDE THEM.
Friday July 3rd
We (meaning my grandma’ and I) weren’t actually meant to do anything, but then my uncle called and offered to drop us off at the mall if we wanted. I kinda did want to see all the good 4th of July offers and so did my grandma’ so we happily said yes! We were dropped off outside Macy’s. As we entered I realized we were in the shoe section and I immediately spotted a 75-85% discount section. I ended up buying a pair of flats. I decided I wanted to look for the dress I was looking for the other day in the other mall and I actually found it! I ended up buying that and two other dresses as well. All on sale of course! (I should clearly join the tv show bargain hunters…) We also went to Sephora again where I picked up Too Faced’s “Melted Metal”, and a few other things. I really wanted to try the Melted Metal I had heard some good things about it. I wore it later during the evening and I am not disappointed! It applies beautifully and seemed to last pretty long.

Pizza for lunch!

Followed by a delicious pancake

Early Birthday Present from Sephora

Another freebie! (luggage tag)
Around 18:30 my uncle came to pick us up again. This time my cousins were with him because we were going to go watch a pre 4th of July event. Around 20:30 we all (my aunt, uncle, the boys, my grandma and I) left for the firework event. There was a lot of people, like a lot a lot. We all got dropped off because there weren’t any parking spaces close by so my uncle had to go quite far and as he said he’d have to “circle around like my father in Copenhagen“.

‘Eye’ spy

On our way to the fireworks
It was quite humid and warm, basically perfect conditions for spending a night outside on a blanket to watch fireworks (and for rain-showers yaaaay). I would like to say that we got a good spot on the grass to watch fireworks. And well, it was good in the sense that we could see the sky… But it was way too uphill and steep so my grandma and I kept sliding down the blanket, l-i-t-e-r-a-l-l-y sliding down… Next time I think I will drag them to a complete flat spot on the grass OR bring some shoes made for mountain climbing, that could work too. Ain’t no one gonna make me and my grandma slide again haha. It was a very cozy evening though and the firework sure was pretty (my Iphone photos will not do it justice)!

My three little cousins ?

On our way back to the car

Saturday July 4th
Woooo Happy Birthday USA! Today was another pretty chill day. We woke up at my aunts place and grabbed some clothes and headed to my uncles place in West Virginia. On the way there we were dropped off at Kohl’s to check out their 4th of July offers. I ended up buying some clothes for my sister and an eyeshadow palette from Cargo, a brand I had never heard of before, and a few other things. We then met up at California Tortilla to have some lunch. We also stopped by Walmart where I picked up a few lipsticks from Wet N’ Wild, they were SO cheap! Else we basically just chilled at my uncles place.

sip sip sippin’

Does that really say “safe”?

Pretty decent chicken salad!

Sunday July 5th
I spend the day preparing some blog posts and looking at the upcoming roadtrip I have planned with a friend of mine. I also re-checked the dates for my exams, which will be in August. The boys were playing in the pool (which my uncle had just cleaned) and I did actually want to go in, but the water was pretty cold so I decided against it.

“Hello tree, I am dog.”

Some pesto-pasta for lunch!

My uncle the cowboy
Monday July 6th
We, once again, got up at 06:30 in order to catch a ride back to Virginia with my uncle before work. The boys were later dropped off by their mom (Melissa) because they were staying over till Tuesday. My aunt came home early from work and we just relaxed all evening. Pretty quiet day.
Tuesday July 7th
We (Grandma, aunt, the boys and I) started off the day by heading to the mall for lunch. My uncle and Melissa then joined up for lunch, and we had a little look in JC Penny. After lunch we went back to my aunts place to go to the pool. The weather was incredibly nice, about 35 degrees just perfect for going to the pool. It was a super cozy day! My cousins had a lot of fun in the pool!

One of the three pools we can use

“Okay I am gonna jump to you now, CATCH ME”

Nathan started to swim a little by himself

Wednesday July 8th
Today I slept in till 11:00! I really needed some sleep and sleep was what I got. The weather was super gloomy today so I couldn’t really go to the pool. My aunt was off work tho’ so we drove to have some lunch at a nearby “Chipotle” restaurant. I had a super delicious burrito and we shared some chips with guacamole, I can definitely recommend going there for lunch. After lunch we drove to Georgetown. What a lovely place! It sort of reminded me a bit of England in a way. It wasn’t the same at all of course but some of the places definitely had some englishness in them. Which I guess makes sense since well settlers and all that jazz.

I will be posting a separate post about Georgetown tomorrow.
Thursday July 9th
I slept in once again… It was like 11:30 when I got out of bed. The weather has been a bit boring today and so I didn’t go to the pool. But tomorrow I do plan to swim a bit as long as the weather is with me! (They do say it will be sunny tomorrow so here’s hoping)