The Week Of Three Christmases

This year (well… last year) was a triple Christmas year, meaning I had three Christmases basically. You see, ever since my parents got divorced when I was a kid, I celebrate Christmas with my dad (usually) on the 23rd of December. Then, of course, it was Christmas eve on the 24th where Matt and I went to my godmother’s place with my mom and that side of the family. Lastly, on the 25th we traveled to England to celebrate Christmas with Matt’s family.
That’s one of the cool things with our two countries. In Denmark we celebrate Christmas on the 24th, and in England they celebrate it on the 25th – meaning we get to celebrate it twice and eat amazing food. And this year is simply a triple Christmas year. Now on to the photos:
Christmas with my dad’s side

A beautiful advent decoration and yummy snacks!

Starters (they were so tasty!)

We all got one of each 😀

Main course

Fruit salad for dessert

Christmas with my mom’s side

This is how you properly start Christmas eve! (watching “Disney’s juleshow”)

My momma <3

Matty and I

Christmas selfie

My godsister and I <33

Knirke, the happy and loved kitty cat!

Danish Christmas at its best <3

Ris A la mandé (Danish rice pudding)

I loooove this dessert

I love that we in the Nordic countries use real candles on our Christmas trees

…both my mom and Matt photobombed the Christmas tree!

Two of my favorite people

Christmas with Matt’s family

Layover in Amsterdam

Arrived to a beautifully set table 🙂

English Christmas dinner ?

My sweet Matty

Andy & Jess

Opening presents 😀

Another Christmas selfie

And my prezzies

Chris’ turn to open some <3
I absolutely loved each night, with each part of mine and Matt’s family. We had amazing food for three days in a row, lovely company and we had a really good time. I look forward to next Christmas, although this year there are “only” two Christmases, as my mom’s side and I only celebrate it together ever second year, but that’s another story for another time. I hope you all had a great Christmas last year too 🙂