May, 2016.

I  had huge plans on doing this every month – I failed. Life sometimes just gets in the way. However, now I am back and yall are gonna get the last couple of “Life Lately” posts from May-August. So hold on to your horses the next few weeks I’ll be posting them. I won’t be sharing any tips and faves from May, June or July as I simply do not remember it 😛

In May exams had slowly begun and I was in the middle of finishing my Bachelor project. Matt also came around and we had some lovely days in sunny Copenhagen; We visited a Game Of Thrones exhibition, food market and went to the movies. My mom and I also went to Stockholm to visit Richard’s grave as it was the anniversary of his death. We had a very nice day with Richard’s family and went around Stockholm with his Mom and Sister.


This little plant moved in on my balcony


It’s time to share some of the upcoming movies I want to see. I’ve honestly missed doing my little movie research and checking out what’s out there. The last few months have been extremely busy but I managed to find time to watch quite a few movies from the last upcoming must-see movie list. I watched; Jason Bourne, The Secret Life of Pets, Love & Friendship, Suicide Squad and Finding Dory. Here are a few movies in chronological order that are coming to the Danish movie theaters (they may be released earlier or later in other countries) during September and October 2016 , which I really want to see!

Monday Mumbles

A photo by Gaetano Cessati. credit: Stocksnap)

01. Good morning guys! Time flies so fast and it’s already Monday again. I could really have used one more day off! I started on my Master degree two weeks ago and I am pretty exhausted. I remember people saying that there was a big difference from BA to MA, but I didn’t get it until now. There’s so much more to read, it’s a lot more advanced and we actually have more lectures and classes than I did on the BA. I really like it though, and I am really glad I decided to continue studying.

02. Another thing that’s new for me is that I just started to do volunteer work. I have joined a Danish organization “Natteravnene” and I had my first shift a few weeks back. Next weekend I have another shift and on Sunday I will attend a first-aid course as well. Last first-aid course I did was in connection with my driver’s license and it can’t hurt to know more, right?

03. In a few weeks I’ll turn 27, it kind of just hit me as I am writing this that I’m turning twenty-seven. TWENTY-SEVEN!!! What the heck. I’m only three years from thirty. Phew. Anyway, I’m going to have my family and Matt over for tea and cake on my Birthday – looking forward to that.

04. I am a wee bit behind with a lot of blog posts I’ve planned in my head so I will try to get some up this coming week. I’ve really missed my little blog, but uni has taken most of my time (and the release of a new game!). And when I was on vacation I decided to unplug and just relax and do absolutely nothing but spend time with Matt.  Hopefully I can find some much needed time this week. 


Have a lovely week! x

Bachelor Graduation at CBS 2016

Graduation with a bachelor degree from CBS 2016

A few days ago, 8th of September 2016, I got my Bachelor’s Degree!!! I’m so happy and proud of myself. I went through a lot last year and I honestly wasn’t sure I would be able to get through my studies. But I did it. Below are a few photos and a short video clip from the graduation day at CBS. It wasn’t anything big or elaborate, they (CBS) save that for the Master’s graduation, which I think is fair enough.

Shrewsbury Flower Show 2016

arriving at shewsbury flower show

Arriving at Shrewsbury flower show

cool flower lady at shrewsbury flower show 2016

A few shots from Shrewsbury Flower Show

The Shrewsbury Flower Show was a fun experience that I’ll always remember! I went with my boyfriend, Matt, and his family, and we had such a fun day together. The atmosphere was buzzing with excitement as we strolled through the beautifully arranged flower displays. It was also fun to see the huge vegetables competing for biggest prize and prettiest prize.

There were plenty of food stalls too, and we couldn’t resist grabbing some delicious snacks. Spending time with Matt and his family made the day even more special. It was a perfect blend of nature, good company, and fun activities. I’ve never really been to a flower show before, and overall the Shrewsbury Flower Show was really a fantastic day out. 

Monday Mumbles


01. July was hard. Taking two ISUP (International Summer University Programme) classes is not something I’d like to repeat. Although I really liked the classes, and learned a lot, it was so intense to learn so much in such a short amount of time. It was exhausting! I met some really nice people though and that’s what definitely made it more fun. I’d truthfully not mind taking one class next summer, I’d just not take two again. Anyway, as the ISUP exams began i fell really ill. I was at work on a Wednesday and I started feeling poorly and went home early. Come Thursday I had a fever and I slept so much. I had a fever all weekend and it just got worse and I started to cough a lot. The coughing caused me not to be able to sleep, and all the time I had planned to spend on studying, was spent on sleeping during the day. As the sit-in exam was the Wednesday after (one week after I initially got sick) I didn’t feel ready at all. And the paper I had due on the Friday that same week was written within like three days. I was SO nervous I had failed – alas I did not. I passed!! With good grades too. I am so happy ? Because now I finally have my Bachelor Degree. I can officially say that I have a degree in English & Organizational Communication