August, 2016.

The first week of August I got really sick (with the flu) and it was also the week I had exams. I was stresseed AF to say the least, and as I had a written sit-in exam I also had a temperature of 39 I was very tired that day. I was so scared that I would fail, but I pulled through and I even got some nice grades. At the end of that week I went to England to finally relax and hang out with Matt. It was a much needed vacation. I really needed that. Anyway, I didn’t do that many things other than being sick and travelling to the UK 😛  Here are a few photos from August (I will put together a post with more photos from my vacation in England soon)


Flying to England

Monday Mumbles


01. Good morning guys! I just woke up with a crazy amount of cramps, of such a scale I haven’t felt since I was a teenager almost. Could barely walk, wth!? So I popped two painkillers in hope that the pain will disappear soon. I am going back to bed to rest a bit (I was actually up at 7).


July, 2016.

July was pretty busy for me, mainly with summer university. I had two classes and it was tough, really interesting, but tough and very intense. Matt’s family also came over for a weekend and we explored Copenhagen together, it was super cozy! I also went to Beyoncé’s concert with my bestie Dj, what an amazing show!


I spent most of my time at CBS during the summer…


June, 2016.

June was a very busy month for me. I had a lot of exams, constantly and I was very overwhelmed. I also went to England for one weekend to attend Matt’s aunts wedding. A decision I am very glad I made, because it was a wonderful weekend. I was really doubting whether or not to attend due to all my exams. I also met up with my friend Katrina, and I prepared some photos for my roomie-hunt.


My living-room <3