A Christmas Tradition

Æbleskiver & ‘Hygge’


Every December on the 1st Sunday of advent my grandma, mom and I visit my mom’s cousin. It is my grandfather’s brother’s children basically. I’m saying children because my mom’s other cousin always comes too. And it is always so very cozy and ‘hyggeligt’ as we say in Denmark. We eat the BEST æbleskiver you could possible get your hands on, drink glögg, create Christmas decorations and end the day with (always) an amazing dinner.


November, 2016.

Hiiii! It’s the middle of December and I am in the middle of exams, but I really wanted to share what I did in November before we are in January haha. My friend Peter who moved to Odense a few months ago (Boooo I miss you) was in Copenhagen and we met up for lunch. I also spent a lovely weekend with Matt, met up with my Bae Maiken for dinner, went to black Friday to buy some Christmas presents and attended two family gatherings. I also had my kitchen floor redone – suuuuper chuffed about that. #feelingold

Here’s a glimpse of my month ?

Met my boo Peter for lunch


October, 2016.

Oh hi there, I know this is a little late. But sometimes that happens I guess! In October I turned 27. I actually wrote a post about it back in October but I never finished it. I will be publishing it soon, with photos from my Birthday and such. I met up with Katrina for dinner at the vegan restaurant Hafnia (she is vegan) a few days before my Birthday. It was a really nice meal and company of course 😀 Matt took me out for a meal the day before my Birthday, I decided I wanted to go to Hard Rock. I wanted something more casual this year and I’ve always loved Hard Rock (just search for it on my blog and see all the posts haha). My family, or well close family, came by for tea and cake on my Birthday. My roomie was kind enough to help me prepare for it. In the end of October I went to my mom’s house for a weekend to hang out as it had been a while since I’d last been by. My friend Dj and I went to ‘Dyrehavsbakken’ which is a forest not too far from Copenhagen, it was such a good day. One of the best actually! Anyway, here is a glimpse of my October;

Celebrating my dad’s 50th Birthday @Souls restaurant

Monday Mumbles

♥ 01. Hola! Today my first exam at my master’s start. I am a bit nervous and not really sure how it’ll turn out. I hope I will pass them all so I won’t have any re-exams in February. Next Monday I have yet another exam, then a Christmas break and then I have three more in January. So it begins.

Gourmet Diner Transportable

Min søde mormor har I de sidste par år holdt nytårs aften med hendes mand, og nogle gange også med et par af deres venner. Jeg ved at hun kan blive lidt træt af at lave mad til tider, og da jeg blev gjort opmærksom på Frimann’s Gourmet tænkte jeg at det da ville være oplagt at foreslå til min mormor. Frimann’s Gourmet er nemlig en diner transportable. Det betyder at de bringer lækker mad lige til døren, så længe man altså er bosiddende i København eller Sjælland. Det er selvfølgelig ikke kun til nytår man som menneske har lyst til god gourmet mad, der kan også være andre anledninger så som runde fødselsdage eller brylluper hvor man virkelig har lyst til mad i top kvalitet. Jeg kunne også sagtens se mig selv bestille en lækker nytårsmiddag engang, eller måske til min 30års fødselsdag. Jeg er ikke sikker på hvad jeg skal nytårsaften endnu, men jeg vil da klart foreslå det til min veninde som jeg regner med at holde nytår sammen med i år. Så står du og tænker over hvad du skal servere nytårsaften, eller hvem der skal lave mad til jeres fest, eller vil du bare slappe lidt af og slippe for madlavningen? Så kan i få tilbud på diner transportable hos Frimann’s Gourmet.

Hav en rigtig god Mandag! ?

Brd. Price in Tivoli and CCC


Almost every year since I was around 12 my mom has taken me to see the Crazy Christmas Cabaret – and it has become one of my favorite Christmas traditions. Before the play we booked a table at Brødrene Price’s restaurant which is located literally right next to the theater (Glassalen) in Tivoli.

As it is December their entire menu has turned into a Christmas menu. Mom had a classic Danish Tartelet for starters and I had a Christmas Pate followed by a lovely steak for my main. For dessert we had tea as neither of us could eat anything else after the big meals.