I remember having good intentions on doing a series on things I would like to do in a specific month. Here’s my very first post on it… From December 2015… Well, time has gone by and I think I want to try and start over with this series. And perhaps do two month’s at a time instead of just one. I might change my mind at some point. But for now this is how it will be. If you have any plans or things you want to do the next to months do share – I’d like to read about it.


It’s time once again to share some of the upcoming movies I want to see. I love doing my little movie research and checking out what movies are out there. I’ve had a lot to do this year so far and as such I haven’t been to the movies all the much. However, I did manage to watch one of the movies, Lion, from the last upcoming must-see movie list. Here are a few movies in chronological order that are coming to the Danish movie theaters (they may be released earlier or later in other countries) during March and April 2017, which I really want to see!

Snake Pass & Glossop

With snow still looming around the corner (even though we are in March) I can’t help but flip through some photos from last summer (august 2016). I remember wanting to share these on my blog but I just never got around to it and eventually I forgot it. But I DO want to share it so here we go. Last summer when I was in England at Matt’s place we went for a small one-day trip to explore a bit of Snake Pass and Glossop. We didn’t plan on spending time in Glossop but we decided to have lunch there since we had to go through the town to get to Snake Pass anyway.

Monday Mumbles

01. Gooooooooooood morning ? Here’s a little throwback photo of me at a Yayoi Kusama exhibition to start the day. I’ve been fairly busy lately… There’s a big project at uni which I, and two lovely girls, have just started. I also had a re-exam two weeks ago (which I passed) and then Matt has been here the past weekend too. I’ve been a bit busy to say the least but it’s been a pretty good couple of weeks.

Mister Mr.

Jeg kan rigtig godt lide at shoppe med (og til) min kæreste Matt. Jeg synes faktisk det er super hyggeligt at være med til at vælge lækre skjorter og trøjer til ham. Jeg gav ham blandt andet en vildt fed, synes jeg selv, t-shirt til jul. Hans stil er rimelig moderne og samtidig klassisk. Han går som regelt i jeans og en t-shirt, eller jeans/bukser og en skjorte. Derudover er han rigtig glad for pull-over cardigans og andre lækre trøjer. Jeg synes generelt at det er sjovt at købe tøj til mænd, og jeg ender som regelt også med at give min far tøj i julegave og fødselsdagsgave. Hos Mr.dk finder man rigtig meget flot herretøj, og jeg har tidligere selv købt gaver til min far og gudfar fra deres butikker. De har nemlig tøj fra de største herretøjsproducenter så der er rigtig mange forskellige ting at vælge imellem.