Late Lunch At Wagamama


Above you can see one of my faves at Wagamama; The sirloin shiitake salad. Yum! What’s even greater about this is that it’s the main dish with the least calories (about 380kcal) at Wagamama’s. Why is that important you might think? Well, I will get into that soon enough – and it’ll be a long post.


We’re already halfway through May, but I did intend to share what I’d like to do these next two months so here goes anyway; Better late than never I say! I did manage to do most things I had on my previous list. If you have any plans or things you want to do the next to months do share – I’d like to read about it. 

Tillykke Med Fødselsdagen Mormor

(This photo is from 2011 – from one of our many lunches in the city)

Today is my grandmother’s 80th Birthday. I am so thankful to have her as my grandmother, she is always one of my biggest supporters and she always has such a great energy. I truly admire her and I love her very much.

Happy Birthday Grandma 

Monday Mumbles

01. Hiiiiii. It’s been a little while since my last Monday Mumbles. I’ve been busy with exams and a big project deadline so I haven’t lead the most exciting life. But it’s been very productive. I can’t wait to get through the exam period, it’s always so stressful and time consuming.

A Peek Into: The Handmaid’s Tale


At first glance at the trailer I knew I had to follow this TV-show. This was originally a bestseller novel written by Margaret Atwood back in the mid 1980’s. I haven’t read it myself but I recognise her name and remember having heard good things about her work. This show has got me hooked from the first episode. It’s all so interestingly infuriating – what is happening in the show that is – and although I can never ever see this happening in our world, just imagine if it did (I guess some would argue that it’s close to how it used to be back before women’s rights and all). Anyway, I find it to be a very intriguing story.

Five TV-Shows Worth Watching #1


Rebecca, the main character, is absolutely crazy, but in the most adorable way. She has a great career in a law firm in New York, but one day she bumps into her old summer camp boyfriend Josh and realizes she isn’t happy. She basically has what I would call a mental break down; she quits her job, moves across the country to West Covina, California (Weeeeeest coooooooviiiiinaaaaaa) to find Josh. It’s a comedy musical show. Yes, musical! And I love it. I love the songs, they are hilarious. Can only recommend this show! (ps. the third season get’s released this month)