Have A Lovely Weekend

Last Wednesday (two days ago) I passed the last exam of the 2nd semester – in other words; I am done with the first year of my masters. This year has gone by super fast, kinda scary how fast time flies. I passed with a good grade, it completely baffled me but I’m so proud of myself. Mostly because it was an oral exam about the big project we (my group) had been working on for four months. This weekend I would love to be able to chill, however I have summer classes next week and two preliminary assignments to do. All I can say is that next year I definitely need to have July off as I haven’t had any proper summer holidays the past two summers due to summer university. Anywho, here are this week’s links:

A Little Lush Haul


Whenever I’m in England I always have to swing by a Lush store. If you don’t know what Lush is then let me tell you. Lush is an English cosmetics company, which by now has stores in many countries. Sadly not in Denmark (I did talk to someone from Lush who said they will open a store here one day though). I didn’t know about Lush’s story until I started writing this post actually. Did you know that the people behind Lush actually sold their recipes to The Body Shop!? I didn’t, but you can read their entire history here. Lush’s products are always freshly made and with as little preservatives as possible. Their packaging is 100% recycled plastic and they do not do animal testing. All in all they tick a lot of the boxes that are important to me.

Friendly Cooking #3

Oh hi there! My friend DJ (who you can see above) and I decided looooong ago to meet up once in a while to cook something new. Something we have never tried cooking before, or at least something one of us has never tried making before. We’re going to try to take turns. So each time one of us decides what to make, buys all the ingredients for the recipe and then the other one simply shows up – ready to cook! Welcome to “Friendly Cooking”. 

Fluorescent Beige 142

My current go-to shade.

I figured I should make a little recommendation post, as this is one of my all time faves. It’s so beautiful and it is perfect for any occasion. I actually got it back in 2015, from Matt, from Sephora in Copenhagen. So it’s not completely new or anything I simply started using it a lot again and was reminded of how much I like it. 

The Beauty Of Fresh Flowers

Wherever life plants you, bloom with grace

Lately I’ve started to make sure I always have a bouquet of fresh flowers in my house. Perhaps lately is the wrong word to use, because I’ve been doing this for the past year to be frank. Plants and flowers are a funny thing to me. I have always loved them as a kid. I loved spending time in my grandmothers garden, I thought it was fun to water her flowers or plant them. The best part though was when I got to pick berries from the blueberry bushes. Then when I moved out (7 years ago) I bought a plant. I bought it in the hope that it would stay beautiful for a long time. However, I do not have the best memory nor do I have a green thumb. After a month or two I realized the plant was long gone – that’s when I knew me and plants weren’t going to get a long great. For a long time I didn’t buy any plants, I almost had nothing green in my apartment.

There You’ll Be

Today it’s been two years since Richard passed away. I stumbled upon this song earlier this year, a song I used to play a lot when I was younger, and it just sums my feelings up in such a beautiful way. I think anyone who has lost someone they love(d) can relate to each and every word on such a different level. (Click on the photo and it will take you to the song on youtube)

(Photo credit: youtube)