One of the many amusement parks in Denmark. Here we are on the log flumes.

It’s time yet again to share some of the upcoming movies I want to see. I love doing my little movie research and checking out what movies are out there. I’ve actually been to the movies a lot lately. I’ve seen Guardians of The Galaxy Vol. 2, Wonder Woman, Baywatch, Pirate’s Of The Caribbean: Salazar’s Revenge and King Arthur. Here are a few movies in chronological order that are coming to the Danish movie theaters (they may be released earlier or later in other countries) during July and August 2017, which I really want to see!
Sorry May, I forgot to make a post about you. I was really busy in May. I had a lot of exams, and I was just very very busy. My grandma also turned 80! And she had booked a room for lunch at a really nice café in Frederikssund. I did meet up with some friends to watch some movies at the cinema. Anywho, here is my May in a few snapshots.
This weekend, as in Saturday and Sunday, is all about cleaning, cleaning and cleaning. My bestie DJ is coming over to help me deep-clean the shit out of my apartment. Okay I realize I kinda make it sound like my apartment is super dirty haha – It’s not! I promise. I just want to do an ever bigger and better ‘summer clean’ (the new spring clean, no?) before Matt is moving in. I want to mention that I feel very privileged to have such a good friend who wants to help out – we will of course be eating pizza and watching movies all night too! I believe one of the movies will be Suicide Squad, she hasn’t seen it yet and I’d love to re-watch it. Here’s this weeks links: