Tage Andersen Art Gallery Copenhagen


In Copenhagen near Kgs.Nytorv there is a small almost hidden art gallery. It’s almost like a flower shop or plant shop as the majority of the art is made by plants and flowers. I’d actually never been there before until I went there with Matt on May 7th 2016. As Matt comes from a family that has very green fingers, I thought it might be nice to see.

When his parents and sister visited us in October 2017 we went once more to Tage Andersen’s gallery. So, the following photos are a mix from both May 2016 and October 2017. It just seemed easier to mix them as I never really made a blogpost back in 2016. Without further ado this is what Tage Andersen’s art gallery looks like 😊

Happy Birthday Dad ❤️

Back in April my aunt sent me these photos of my dad and I. I love these photos, they make me so happy inside. My dad means the world to me! He always has (and always will). He’s also one of the coolest people I know and I admire him a lot. Today is his Birthday and as such I wanted to share these photos of us.


Feliz cumpleaños papa


Monday Mumbles

 01. The other day I was thinking about Ecuador. And how much I miss it! I haven’t been there since 2014 and I long to get back, see my grandma’, walk through the old city, eat fritadas and have the best ice-cream in Ibarra. I could go on and on about things I miss, but I know I won’t be visiting for a while. It’s expensive to travel there and I’m just a student. So far now I’ll just miss it, but I know I’ll return in a few years <3


This is one of my favorite posts to write and it is finally time again to share some of the upcoming movies I want to see. I love doing my little movie research and checking out what movies are out there. I’ve actually been to the movies quite a bit the past months.  I’ve seen Dunkirk, Spiderman: Home coming, Despicable Me 3, Hampstead, American Made and The Dark Tower. Here are a few movies in chronological order that are coming to the Danish movie theaters (they may be released earlier or later in other countries) during September and October 2017, which I really want to see!