My Sister’s Confirmation – Part Two

After the ceremony in church (see part one here), we went to Damhuskroen which is an Inn or pub of sorts where you can hosts events. Only half of Sarah’s family was at the church due to limited seating, so the rest of the family showed up at the party. It’s usually like that in Danish churches because a lot of them aren’t that big and every teen needs space for their family. Anyway, the room was beautiful and the food was really good. My sister had picked all the food herself and boy did she make some good choices! My stepmom had hired a musician, and he was really good. It was a cozy evening and I hope my sister had the best of times.

Damhuskroen entrance

A delicious starter! (Tuna)

The main course

Some nice steak

In between of the main course and dessert we went outside to take a few photos

This mango ice-cream and brownie was amazing

Kender du til ANYWEAR? i så fald har jeg brug for din hjælp! I forbindelse med mit bachelor projekt har jeg udformet et spørgeskema. Det tager maks 3 minutter at besvare og det vil være en stor hjælp:
What a beautiful celebration! 🙂 Congratulate your sister! 🙂 x
Looks great! Nice blog you have!
Thank you so much <3
Skønne billeder, det ser da ud som om at hun havde en dejlig dag 😀
tusind tak 😀 Ja det havde hun, hun har ihvertfald sagt til mig at hun havde en rigtig god dag!