Monday mumbles

♥ 01. This week is bringing all sorts of lovely food experiences. Tuesday I’m going out with work (or well the marketing department) to eat some amazing Chinese food at Magasasa, Thursday I’m having sushi with Matt and Saturday I’m going out for steak and burgers with the guys and Shaneel (the girl I’m a maternity cover for) to say bon voyage to her – as she’s moving to another country.
♥ 02. Something that I gotta talk about is the current Corona virus.. I mean holy crap! It’s actually crazy. I mean, the virus itself is horrible and I know it can be really dangerous for the elderly and weak, but people are going a little bit nuts here. A lot of the places (my local pharmacy for instance) was nearly out of hand sanitiser gel, like seriously guys? When you’re in own home it’s okay to just use soap – but yes wash your hands more than usual! And use gel outside if needed… But besides you can catch it through your eyes and mouth!? That gel won’t protect you – no need to hoard! Anyway just a mini rant.. I do however like that the governments are taking more and more precautions, not sure how much it will help in the long run though… I hope it won’t spread too much!
♥ 03. New shelves! Last year at my 30th Birthday I got a lovely shelf from my mom. I also got some money to get another shelf I wanted, and last weekend Matt’s parents visited us and his dad had brought a drill! So he put up my (our) shelves, and also put up some spice shelves Matt had gotten for Christmas. Makes me feel old to be excited about shelves.. But dang it I am! ? Ps. I will show you the shelves at some point this month.
♥ 04. Yesterday evening I binged a new show on Netflix called “I am not okay with this”. It was AWESOME. I liked how chill it kind of was and how shocking it could also be. Seriously, I was like “wtf did that just happen” sometimes… I’ll make a short review soon (hopefully).
Have a lovely week out there!