Monday Mumbles

♥ 01. I actually think this is the first Monday Mumbles of 2019… Woops! This year has been so very busy. Started a full-time internship in January, which turned into a fixed-term project employment and at the same time I still had to apply for jobs every week and work at my part-time job. I had very little time to spare, and what I had I spent on friends, family, travels and chilling on the sofa ?. That’s why my blog has been slightly neglected. No more I say!
♥ 02. I landed a job! I’m so happy and excited. This week will be my third week at my new job, so there is still so much to learn. Last week we (my Danish office) were all in Belgium for the summer party and loads of team bonding (more about that later in another post). It was so much fun! It was a really good way to get to know my new colleagues – I had a great 3 days. It was of course also rather exhausting, as it was very “full on”, but I wouldn’t have missed it for the world.
♥ 03. Two weeks ago Matt and I went to England for his sister’s wedding. It was such a beautiful wedding and I shed a little tear when I saw her walking down the aisle. I filmed a lot of it, as I promised Jessica (the bride) that I would try and put a little video together for them. Something I will be working on next weekend probably. It takes many hours to edit a video, at least if you want it to be somewhat decent. I am also working on the blogpost from the wedding, and her hen-do in May (if you want to you can watch the hen-do video here).
♥ 04. This week I only have a few chill plans. Meeting Vanessa for a movie, and I will meet Dj (who now lives really close by!!) for a chat and perhaps an ice-cream in downtown Vanløse. At the weekend I only have plans with Matt, AND I will also be starting the gym again. I’ve basically been on hiatus all year for that, really want to get back into a good routine again!
Read my last mumbles here.