Monday Mumbles

♥ 01. These past weeks have flown by so fast. I got into the Google Course I talked about a few weeks ago. I’ve gotten my certification in Google Analytics, and we’ve had classes every day at the Google Digital Coordinator class – it’s been so interesting! And I’ve really enjoyed it, but it has also been very tiring, because there has been a lot of new information in a very short time frame. This is the final week of the course – kinda sad to be honest. But I am looking forward to getting the title Google Digital Coordinator ?
♥ 02. I’m going to watch A Star is Born on Thursday with my friend Vanessa and Riccardo. Been playing some of the songs a lot (especially ‘Shallow’), and when I saw the trailer I just knew I had to see it. Did you know it was a remake? It’s been made a few times actually, and the last one was with Barbra Streisand and I even believe she won an oscar for best song ‘Evergreen’ that year – such a classic tune!
♥ 03. Yesterday was the annual Christmas get-together on my mom’s side of the family. It’s always super cozy! We decorated many Christmas cookies and ate way too many æbleskiver (best thing tbh). This year Matt joined too, which made me really happy, as I love spending time with him and my family.
♥ 04. On Saturday my mom and I are going to the annual Crazy Christmas Cabaret show. I love that show! And I love our tradition. We’ll be going to the show fairly early as it ends just at dinner time, which is perfect as my mom has booked a table at a nearby steak restaurant ?
Read my last mumbles here.