Monday Mumbles

♥ 01. Good evening all! I haven’t written a Monday Mumbles in what seems like forever. I just haven’t put my energy here – I’ve placed it in other areas of my life you see. I was busy in august with two jobs, and loads of little things to do. Come September I went on vacation (which was awesome by the way!) with Matt and his family, and October was just busy with a job search optimising course at AS3.
♥ 02. What do I do these days? Well, I am working part-time at Safe Online as a communication consultant, which I have done since July, and then on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays I meet up with a great group of people I met at the job search course in October. We simply sit and help each other with job searching on those three days. So yeah, at the moment I am looking for a full time job and that is my main focus. I also do small courses in various digital marketing, and other little bits.
♥ 03. Speaking of courses I have been taking Google’s online basic digital marketing course, and I am now on the wait list for their actual physical ‘digital coordinator’ course. I really hope there’s a spot for me this November, if not I will try again in January. Crossing my fingers!
♥ 04. This Thursday Matt’s family is visiting, and we are both really looking forward to that. It’s always super cozy having his family over! I’ve been very lucky when it comes to “in laws”, because they are such good and fun people. I hope the weather will be nice so we won’t be super cold (or wet!), and so we can explore the city if they feel like it.
??Read my last mumbles here.