Monday Mumbles

♥ 01. Hola! Today my first exam at my master’s start. I am a bit nervous and not really sure how it’ll turn out. I hope I will pass them all so I won’t have any re-exams in February. Next Monday I have yet another exam, then a Christmas break and then I have three more in January. So it begins.
♥ 02. I really look forward to seeing Matt soon. I’m going to his place straight after exams! It’s gonna be a good couple of days, and a lovely Christmas, with him. We’re also meeting up with a friend to play some mini-golf during Christmas, and perhaps watch the new Disney movie Moana.
♥ 03. Anyway, this week is all about exams. So all I wanted was to say a little HELLO to you all before the clock hits 12:00 (that’s when the exam is released today) and I have to go into exam-mode.
Held og lykke med eksaminerne! 😀 <3
Tak skal du have søde du! Jeg har virkelig brug for det føler jeg haha 😀