Monday mumbles

❤ 01. This is the last week before classes starts again. I am trying to get a lot of random things done before the whole shabang begins. One thing I’ve been working a lot on is my making my new computer “pretty”. By that I mean not having a lot of files lying around. I have A LOT of old files I’ve been going through, from music to photos to word documents. I thought it would be a breeze to go through but turns out it takes a lot of time. None the less I am almost done wooo.
❤ 02. Thursday this week I’ll be going to Århus with my mom and grandmom {which I’ve mentioned a bit before}. Our destination is a gallery/museum called Arken. It seems that 2013 will be bring more culture! Which is good. Anyway, I’m very excited for the trip it’ll be super cozy.
❤ 03. Speaking of more cultural events; I’m going out with DJ on Wednesday to visit various museums in Copenhagen and we’ve decided to end the day with some dinner at my place.
❤ 03. I feel like January has gone by so fast. Is it just me or is time going faster? I remember being told when I was little that when you get older time goes faster. This seem to become more and more accurate. Oh dear!
This is a bit of what my week has to offer. I hope you’ll all have a fun week!