How I Spent My Birthday ♡
In the past, when I lived at home, I was usually woken up by my mom singing the Danish Birthday song and serving some delicious breakfast. This year w...
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And we melted away…
Gosh it was warm this Sunday at the peer. I went with some friends to sit and drink and enjoy the sun at the peer, we had hoped for some wind but ther...
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My week in pictures ~ 06
M, DJ, Jesper and I @ Rosie McGees. Best slushie so far! Louise enjoying nachos. My amazing garlic bread, it was so nice. Chanel Mimosa nail polish. L...
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It’s Monday again sunshines!
Good morning everyone! I hope you’ve all had a great weekend and a good mothers day to those of you who celebrate that 🙂 I’ve only got ...
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Oh what a beautiful day
As some might have figured out by now, I am very close with my family. And today I went to lunch with my grandmother. God… the food was like sex...
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First of May picnic @ Fælledparken
It was a super fun and semi-cold day at that park. There were thousands of people there and we had different music coming from each direction… T...
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