April, 2017.
Oh April you were wonderful. At Easter I went to England to spend time with Matt and his family. It was a great vacation and I get wait to get back there. It was also the month I finally got my hands on some products from ‘The Ordinary’, which is an inexpensive skincare brand from Canada I believe? I had dinner dates at my place with Maiken. And my group at uni and I finally got to do interviews for our project. The interview was right next to Amalienborg (the queen’s castle – photos below). I also went to the fish monger quite a few times this month as I try to eat more fish.

This salad was SO good

Eating some lunch in Copenhagen airport before my flight to England


Lunch at Coast to Coast with Matt and his parents

Why do I have two E’s!?

Matt bought me an easter egg <3

Sheet masks all around!

If anyone wants to read about the Danish way of life

Been visiting my local fish monger a lot lately. I love fresh fish!

Stuffed mushies
Things I’ve thought about
» How fun the British tradition of buying each other Easter eggs is
» That I really look forward to living with Matt!
Tips, faves and discoveries
» ‘Chewing Gum’ on Netflix has become one of my fave comedy’s
» I started using Lush’s “Mask of Magnaminty” and I’ve only got positive things to say about it. It’s a wonderful mask!
» I went to Westmarket for the first time. So many different places to eat, I wanted to try all of them. I can’t wait to go there with Matt.
» Pip & Nut’s peanut butter is amazeballs. Why don’t we have that brand in Denmark?
» Same goes for the brand Kallø. Their corn cakes are really yummy.
I hope you’ve had a great April❤️