March, 2020.
Oh March… March 2020 you were an interesting month. Right now as I write this it is almost April and the world has literally changed. On March 12th our Prime Minister, Mette Frederiksen, ‘closed’ our country. She asked all Danes abroad, who were traveling and not living abroad, to come home as fast as possible as the Corona virus was spreading fast and Denmark was closing the borders. And she told all of us citizens to stay indoors as much as possible and only go for walks around the block and if we needed to get groceries.
So yeah, life changed. This meant that work was 100% done from home, so I didn’t really get out that much, a part from going on walks. But before all of this happened, before 12th of March I did go out and some of the photos below will attest to that. Now who knows how long this will take… No one really does. But I am sure it’ll be many months until things are back to normal, if it ever will get back to that.
Without further ado, here are photos from March.

Construction started on our building

Ovi, Andrii, Anastasios, Me and sushiiii

Andrii and Anastasios

Edamame beans and seaweed

Walk to Downtown Vanløse (before the closing of everything)

A perfect Saturday morning with a rundstykke at Lagkagehuset!

Brunch time

Coco Clementine Café

Brunch selfie

Got some pink roses from Matty

Out for dinner with the Marketing Team at LetsBuild

Matt and I went to our local sushi-pusher 🤣

Yeast & eggs were gone!!

…so was all of the bread

Matt looking around in Føtex

Matty makes the best pizza dough!

Lazy steak night 🤪

Omw out to take some photos

Walking around taking photos of the city – Here is ‘Børsen’

Mad & Vin

Magasin Kongens Nytorv

Discovered this Little Miracles drink! Soooo good.

“Corona walks”

Matty waiting for me to finish taking photos

Online Friday bar during corona with some LetsBuilders

Matt bought Animal Crossing for me 💚

Bought some games

Playing backgammon with Matt

Matt ordered a huge bag of PG tips online

I know March has been tough on us all, but I hope you have managed to find some good moments after all 💙