July, 2017.
July was both the best month of the year and somewhat the craziest. Matt moved in on the 3rd of July <3 and his parents stayed with us for five days. It was super cozy to hang out with them and spend some quality time. However, on the 5th of July I discovered a rash on my chest, and decided to go to the doctor. It turned out it was shingles! Of all things… I ended up getting really ill. Not just from shingles but I also got almost every side effect from the medicin I was taking. I was pretty out of it. And at the same time I had classes at summer university (ISUP) which i obviously did not attend. So i missed like 80% of ISUP… So that was pretty annoying. But shit happens! Anyway, here are some photos (some with description) from this month;

I went to my mom’s place on the 30th of June and stayed to 1st July. And she made elderflower cordial, YUM!

DJ helped me tidy up the loft room. It hasn’t looked this good, ever! So thankful to her <3

Lunch time with Matt and his parents

Dinner at Wagamama with Matt and his parents

Dinner at Jensen’s with Matt & his parents

At the doctor’s office…

Cheesecake tho’ <3

My favorite snack this month!

Burgers at home with Matt

….aaaand Hotdogs!

lunch time <3


Matt took me out for desserts one evening

Met up with Maiken to help buy some makeup for her wedding

It started raining!

We may have walked to the local Paradis shop…

Matt made us pizza’s – they were soooooooo good.

I am strangely proud of these points xD

Dinner at Halifax with Matt, followed by a movie.

Studying for exams…

Matt’s delicious fajitas!
Things I’ve thought about
» How exceptionally good Koldskål is.
» That waking up next to Matt is the best thing ever!
Tips, faves and discoveries
» Matt’s fajitas! Definitely a new fave of mine.
» Game Of Thrones season 7 is amazing <3