Judging a “Book” by it’s Cover
Life can be surprisingly random at times. The other day I was going through random blogs jumping from one blog to another and I landed on a blog who’s author is a person I used to know. I looked at the person and I could just feel myself being instantly judgmental because of our history. But after looking around a bit I realized that it isn’t who I am anymore. My pattern has changed. I don’t just judge a book or a person by it’s cover anymore or at least I try not to.
I think everyone judges everyone a bit. But what separates people from each other are what you do with those thoughts. Do you keep believing those “bad” things or do you simply accept that you could be wrong? Anyway, back then the person and I went through some crazy things together. And when I say together I mean more… against each other. A “frienemy” thing. God, thinking back to that time.. It was all so childish. Although I will stand my ground and say that I did at the time being think the person needed help. I actually think the person got help. It also look’s like the person is happy now which is good. Everyone deserves happiness.
What about you? Are you ever prejudiced?
Jeg faldt forleden over en blog. Det var nu egentlig meget sjovt at læse lidt. Det er sådan at jeg og den her person engang kendte hinanden og vi gik igennem en hel del underlige ting haha. Og det udgjorde at jeg rimelig hurtigt var lidt dømmende da jeg læste mig rundt på bloggen, men så et par minutter senere forsvandt den følelse igen. Dér er jeg kommet videre. Jeg prøver ikke at dømme folk før jeg lærer dem at kende. Hvad med jer? Kan i nogle gange godt fange jer selv i at dømme andre uden egentlig at ville det?