August, 2016. The first week of August I got really sick (with the flu) and it was also the week I had exams. I was stresseed AF to say the least, an...
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Monday Mumbles
This monday mumbles updates you on what I've been doing the past few days and what will come the next few. Also, autumn is here. HOORAY FOR THAT. Or a...
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July, 2016. July was pretty busy for me, mainly with summer university. I had two classes and it was tough, really interesting, but tough and very int...
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June, 2016. June was a very busy month for me. I had a lot of exams, constantly and I was very overwhelmed. I also went to England for one weekend to ...
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May, 2016. I had huge plans on doing this every month – I failed. Life sometimes just gets in the way. However, now I am back and yall are gon...
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Monday Mumbles
(Photo credit: Stocksnap) ♥ 01. Good morning guys! Time flies so fast and it’s already Monday again. I could really have used one more day o...
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