Watching the blood moon at Amager Strandpark

panorama view amagerstrand park copenhagen 2018

Last Friday I went to Amager Strandpark with two of my friends; Dj and Veronika. We went to this ‘watch the blood moon‘ event I had spotted on Facebook. I’m glad we met up early, as the beach was absolutely packed with people at like 21:30. It was honestly such a fun and cozy night!

Lots of people walking to the beach to watch the blood moon


Veronika and I live quite close to each other (we actually used to be roomies), which is actually really nice, so we met up at Flintholm station and took the metro together to Amager Strand station, where Dj waited for us.

The beach is extremely close to the metro, so it only takes about 5-7 minutes to walk there. Well… That’s to reach the first part of it. Then it takes another 5-7 min walk to reach the actual ‘big’ part of the beach, which is where we wanted to sit.


Veronika had baked home-made brownies, which she brought with her (what a gem!). We also had other snacks and drinks, it was just such a nice evening. And best of all – it was windy!! It’s been so warm in Copenhagen past 50 days… Yeah FIFTY DAYS with a 27-33 degrees heat wave. So it was very nice with a cold breezy wind. It was in fact still 25 degrees at like 21:00 so it was a very warm night, perfect for blood moon watching!

Veronika and I


It took quite a while for us to spot the blood moon as there were clouds in the way. Darn it! I think everyone sitting at the beach were trying to spot it, and it wasn’t until like 22:30 we could finally see it.

A few minutes before Veronika spotted the moon I decided to download an app called Skyview, as I figured it would show us where the moon would be. As it was downloading Veronika squeeled that she could see it. We all thought she was pointing at some lights, and I kept saying ‘no no that’s just lights’. Turned out the moon WAS finally appearing behind the clouds, a bit further above the lights.

Then I opened the app and it showed the moon was exactly where we could see it AND it showed that Mars was just below it. Honestly, what a cool app! I literally just search ‘stars’ in the app store and it popped up, we then spent like half an hour just lying down looking at the stars / constellations and let the app show us what they were all called. Very cool!

When it was about midnight we decided it was time to head home. Thank you two my two girls (+ Sarah) for a lovely evening. We definitely need to do this again!

A very dark photo sure, but hey theres the blood moon!


Did you see the blood moon?


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