Another Lush Haul

Some of my favorite Lush products
Lush has many different products and is perhaps most known for their bath bombs. Their bath bombs are really beautiful and smells great, however I do not have a bathtub so I cannot use them unfortunately 😥 One day I hope to have a bath, not just cause’ of Lush products but because having a bath is pretty relaxing.
I do find that Lush have some other really nice products, and some of my favorites are mentioned in this post (to be honest I mentioned them here too). I think my most loved product is actually the Rub Rub Rub Shower Scrub – I have used this for years on/off. It would have been more frequent had we had a Lush store in Denmark, but for some reason Lush has never ventured into the Danish market (why is that!?). So for me to get my hands on any Lush products I have to visit the stores when I am in the UK, which I do every time I’m there, or I could take a trip to Sweden as I know they have stores there too.

Rub Rub Rub Shower Scrub
It is just such a lovely body scrub. I absolutely love the smell! I also really like that they use real salt flakes in it, and not some micro-plastic stuff that some other companies use. One can of course argue that the blue color is too artificial, but that part does not bother me so much. It doesn’t dye my skin 😄 It’s got a floral scent to it, but it is not overwhelming it is very comfortable.

Bubblegum Lip Scrub
I’ve used this a few times before and I keep coming back to it. I feel like this product is such a ‘classic’ Lush product. Not just the lip scrub but the Bubblegum flavor/scent. I remember many years ago seeing Zoella using it and I was like “oooh that looks so nice”. Then I forgot all about it and then when I finally got to a Lush store many a years later it sort of popped up in my head again, and I grabbed one. Fast forward again and here we are and this is probably my third or fourth lip scrub. I’ve actually written about the Bubblegum lip scrub before, which you can read here.

This mask is also really lush, haha get it? Anyyyyway, I like the minty smell but I’m not sure how much it actually does for my skin other than feel nice! But I do love the feeling of it.

Tea tree toner water
The last little shout out is to this toner from Lush. It is a very basic product I feel, but I like how it makes my skin feels “clean”. I guess it is the tea tree oil in it, as other companies also use it for their toners or cleansers. I’m not sure I will buy it again as I feel like it perhaps could strip my skin of too much. But I am trying it out again. It smells real’ nice at least!