A Trip To Louisiana

On a rainy day, at the end of March, Matt and I went to the museum; Louisiana. Last time I was at Louisiana was back in December 2015, when I went to see Yayoi Kusama’s exhibition. Matt had never been there, and I figured it would be a nice little trip on a Saturday. We started the day off by going for brunch at Bestik Bar & Grill. It was a very cozy place and the brunch was pretty good. It wasn’t amazing, it was what I would call a typical Copenhageny’ café brunch. Then boarded the regional train at the central station and set course for Humlebæk station. It only takes 15 minutes to walk from Humlebæk station to the museum. If you have a car there’s parking just outside the museum as well.
I didn’t know what exhibition were actually at Louisiana, we didn’t go there with the intent to see a specific exhibition. Not this time. I just wanted to have a cozy day with Matt and I wanted him to see another part of Sjælland. As he has mostly just seen Copenhagen. There happened to be an exhibition by Wang Shu & Lu Wenyu. An exhibition about sustainable houses (and even villages!).
It was raining a fair bit as we arrived. However, it cleared up during the day and when we decided to leave the sun had finally come out. We decided, or I decided, that taking the bus would be fun because it would let Matt see even more of Sjælland. And as it’s end station was Lyngby Station, we could easily catch a train back home. That was the plan at least…

“How is this art?”

W A N G S H U & L U W E N Y U

A map of the campus they built

Matt putting on the snood

It was fairly cold and rainy

Such a beautiful room

Matt at the bus stop <3
My back had been hurting a lot and I decided, as I was sitting in the bus, to text my dad and ask if he was home. Because if he was I could swing by his place instead of going straight home and get some acupuncture (my dad’s an acupuncturist). So, I texted my dad. However, he replied he wasn’t home but that he was out shopping for a new dining table with Annette and my sister. I asked him where from? And he replied Ilva in Lyngby!! Such a coincidence that he was in the same town as we were headed. When we arrived at Lyngby station Matt and I went to have a cup of tea and hot cocoa and as we had just sat down my dad texted me asking if we wanted to join them for lunch at Max Hamburgers. We gladly accepted and went to have lunch.
I love those random coincidences. And the fact that the world seems so small sometimes.