A Peek Into: SKAM

Season 3 of SKAM (meaning “Shame”) recently ended. SKAM is a Norwegian series aimed mainly at young adults and teens. However, it has taken all ages in Scandinavia by storm and this includes me. SKAM is something that everyone should see, and that everyone somehow can connect to in one way or another. One of my favorite things are how they use different camera angles and mixing the smartphone screen into the picture too. SKAM speaks honestly about many subjects other TV series wouldn’t as easily go near. Subjects that are very much linked to our time. Also, they have managed to include such a cool soundtrack which matches perfectly to each and every scene.
So what is SKAM about?
Each season has a different character as the main protagonist (which I think is genius by the way). Season 1 focuses about a young girl Eva who just started at a new high-school in Oslo. It shows how hard it can be to find yourself, how confusing relationships can be and how friendship really matters (especially in high-school). In season 2 the focus has shifted and is now on Noora. Noora, who became friends with Eva in season 1, is a bit of a wild spirit. She is not scared of voicing her opinion and at the same time she is such a frail girl underneath it all. Season 2 is so far my favorite as the romance that happens is just too cute not to like (#Norhelm wooo). In season 3 it is all about Isak and how hard it is for him to come to terms with his feelings. I don’t want to spoil too much so that’s all I’m going to say about season 3. If you want to see the trailers for each season this video here doesn’t give too much away. I can’t wait to see season 4 and to see who the focus will be on next. I think it will be about Vilde, but I’m hoping for Sana.
Watch it if
You like a show that isn’t afraid to say anything. But also if you like romance, comedy, great acting, great lines and a genuinely good soundtrack. SKAM will take you back to your teens, it will make you laugh and it will make you remember things and perhaps see things in a different light. You just need to watch it, it is rare that I rate anything 10 out of 10, but this truly is a great show. And I cannot recommend it enough. I hope subtitles are available to you in case you do not understand Norwegian. For Danes; You can see it on dr.dk with Danish subtitles. But if you understand Norwegian you can just watch it on their own website here (Edit: They have recently shut their website for use outside of Norway, they’ve stated they’re working on opening it again).
I’d rate this: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 10/10