Friendly Cooking #3

Oh hi there! My friend DJ (who you can see above) and I decided looooong ago to meet up once in a while to cook something new. Something we have never tried cooking before, or at least something one of us has never tried making before. We’re going to try to take turns. So each time one of us decides what to make, buys all the ingredients for the recipe and then the other one simply shows up – ready to cook! Welcome to “Friendly Cooking”.
I have admittedly not documented all our Friendly Cooking(s), but sometimes I just don’t feel like it and we’ll just cook, eat and chill. Anyway we were at my place and I decided to go with a delicious sounding Risotto recipe. This risotto is a bit different as it has asparagus, strawberries and peas in it. I hadn’t made it before – who knew risotto was that easy to make? It just takes time… Here’s how it turned out:
Risotto With Strawberries
Accompanied By Salmon

Started with adding some olive oil

Then it’s time to add the rice

We prepared a vegetable stock

….and poured it in with the rice, onion, garlic and herbs

The last step is adding the cheese

Prepared the salmon as the risotto was almost done

‘Sprinkle’ the strawberries on top of the risotto; Et voilá!
looks very good