Monday Mumbles
♥ 01. Good morning 🙂 This is the year’s first Monday Mumbles. I’ve been busy with all my exams this January so I haven’t really had time to sit down and write that many posts. Alas’ I am through the exams and I finally have time to write again. I’ve gotten the results for most of my exams a part from one. I have passed all and I’m of course hoping I’ll pass the last one too. Would be nice if CBS would be a bit faster with the results…
♥ 02. Today lectures are starting again and I’ve officially got 1,5 years left of my education! Actually this is the last semester I’ll ever have with classes as I aim to find an internship for my third semester. I can’t believe I won’t have to sit in in classrooms and lecture halls anymore… It’s pretty insane to think about when you’ve (read: I) have spent the past many many years in school. It’s exciting tho!
♥ 03. I’m super excited for Friday, because Matt is coming over! We don’t really have any big plans other than that we will have our own little Valentines Day, as we aren’t together on the actual day. It’s gonna be a great weekend.
♥ 04. Being done with exams also means having time to game again. Something I’ve really missed too! At the moment I mostly just play WoW as there is so much new content to explore. Email me if you want to add me on battle-net 🙂