Monday Mumbles


 01. I actually think this is the first Monday Mumbles of 2019… Woops! This year has been so very busy. Started a full-time internship in January, which turned into a fixed-term project employment and at the same time I still had to apply for jobs every week and work at my part-time job. I had very little time to spare, and what I had I spent on friends, family, travels and chilling on the sofa ?. That’s why my blog has been slightly neglected. No more I say!

Jessica’s Hen Do at The Mere resort in Knutsford – Dinner and Breakfast

Jessica’s Hen do – Part two

Eating dinner at The Botanist

If you didn’t see part one you can read it here to see what happened earlier during the day. During the evening, follow the lovely afternoon spent in the spa we headed to Knutsford town to have dinner at “The Botanist“. We had the majority of the upstairs area, good food and plenty of cocktails! It was such a cozy evening.