Wherever life plants you, bloom with grace
Lately I’ve started to make sure I always have a bouquet of fresh flowers in my house. Perhaps lately is the wrong word to use, because I’ve been doing this for the past year to be frank. Plants and flowers are a funny thing to me. I have always loved them as a kid. I loved spending time in my grandmothers garden, I thought it was fun to water her flowers or plant them. The best part though was when I got to pick berries from the blueberry bushes. Then when I moved out (7 years ago) I bought a plant. I bought it in the hope that it would stay beautiful for a long time. However, I do not have the best memory nor do I have a green thumb. After a month or two I realized the plant was long gone – that’s when I knew me and plants weren’t going to get a long great. For a long time I didn’t buy any plants, I almost had nothing green in my apartment.