My two most worn rings


This is why jewelry can matter so much

The other day I thought about the rings I usually wear, because I always pick between one of these two (or wear both) out of all the rings I have. There is most definitely a reason for this, a reason I thought I’d share.

Sommerhusudlejning i Danmark // Danish Summer Houses



Dejlige Danmark

De fleste der går i nogen form for skole har fået sommerferie, og de fleste der ikke går i skole holder nok noget sommerferie. Så det er derfor helt oplagt at fortælle jer lidt om sommerhusudlejning i Danmark. Min familie har selv brugt sommerhusudlejning en del gange, og det er altså virkelig skønt at kunne komme lidt væk fra byen og nyde de gode strande, og søde små hyggelige byer, Danmark kan byde på. Det er bare rart at opleve andre dele af Danmark, en den del man ser hver dag. Sol og Strand tilbyder rigtig mange forskellige muligheder af sommerhusudlejning helt fra Nordvestjylland til Bornholm! Der er er både plads til store og små familier, eller bare til en hyggelig kæreste-tur, der er nok at vælge imellem. Som et lille plus er der også ekstra information at finde om attraktioner omkring nærtliggende områder af sommerhusene Sol og Strand tilbyder, og man kan også få rabat til en del af dem når man lejer et sommerhus – dét er jo altid skønt.

An English Wedding


In the middle of my exams I had accepted an invitation to Matt’s aunt’s wedding. Although I felt a little overwhelmed with exams, and sort of wasn’t sure if I should go or not due to lack of time – I am so glad I went! It was a beautiful wedding, and I really enjoyed it. I was very glad to be a part of their big day. She had such a lovely dress and the flower arrangements were so beautiful (Matt’s grandfather had made them). The wedding was officiated at a small English church, and the reception was held at ‘Shrigley Hall‘. The ceremony was really sweet and I almost cried when I saw her walking down the aisle (which surprised me since I do not know her that well yet, but she just looked so beautiful). Shrigley Hall was a really nice venue and some of us stayed the night as well. The food was really nice, and the entertainment at night was really good. They had a guy singing Michael Bublé and Frank Sinatra songs (and other classics) and he was soooo good. Those kind of songs are right down my street! The hotel room was really nice as well, very big and seemed clean haha. The breakfast buffet the morning after was nice as well, a typical English breakfast I’d say.

Monday Mumbles

White Roses

01. Oh hello there. It’s been almost two months since my last Monday Mumbles. I’m finally on the other side of last semester’s exams. Right now I am taking two ISUP (International Summer University Program) classes at CBS which ends in the end of July. I then have two exams in the first week of August and then I will finally have some time off 😀


You guys it has been such a long time since I last shared some of the upcoming movies I want to see. I’ve honestly missed doing my little movie research and checking out what’s out there. The last year has been tough to say the least, and I have been extremely busy and slightly stressed the last few months due to exams. Alas, I’m done with most of the exams and finally have some spare time to blog. Here are a few movies in chronological order that are coming to the Danish movie theaters (they may be released earlier or later in other countries) during July and August 2016 , which I really want to see!