I am going through what is the hardest chapter of my life, so far. Never have I felt like I do now. Never did I know my body and soul could contain so much pain. But in this sea of pain and sorrow I have also realized that I have to be thankful for the things that I do have in my life.

1. All the love and support I’ve gotten from family and friends. They have really been here for me and I am so so very thankful for that. I love all of you.
2. Water, and the fact that I can simply open my tap at home and drink straight from it without worrying if it’s drinkable or not.
3. CBS (my university) and all that follows with it. I’m thankful that I got into the programme I wanted those years ago, and that I am able to do my masters later, well as long as I pass and get my Bachelor Degree of course.
4. The sun, I love the light and warmth it brings and how I can actually feel my body feeling better when I am in it.
5. Blogging. I’ve forgotten how freeing it is to remove some of my thoughts from my head and put them down “on paper”.
6. Tears. I am thankful that I am able to cry because sometimes words just won’t do it and tears are simply needed to express certain emotions.
7. My parents. Although they clearly are part of nr. 1, I am especially thankful to them. They have done so much for me and they always support me through everything. I know I have the worlds best parents and I am so glad I got to be their daughter.
8. My little apartment. It may not feel like home right now, but I am thankful I have a lovely roof above my head in Copenhagen.
9. Richard’s Family. They have been, and are, so good to me and I only hope they know how thankful I am for that.
10. Laughter. Although I lately have felt guilty for laughing, I know it makes most situations better. Therefore I am thankful for the ability to laugh.