❤ 01. Goooood morning out there! (Yes I am drinking a night time tea for breakfast) How is it already February? January literally went by like *insert sound of snapping fingers*. I was, like many other students, super absorbed by my exams during January. This semester was harder than the previous ones and I am so thankful for my amazing study group. They made it all so much better. I am done with third semester and tomorrow will be the first day of the fourth semester.
❤ 02. This semester seems really interesting. I am really looking forward to my Legal English class and Corporate Communication class. I am heading to the library today to begin my studies for exactly those two classes and two others. I usually prefer studying at the library vs. at home. It’s also quite motivating seeing all the other focused people around me. Definitely a tip if you have a hard time studying at home!
❤ 03. Did I mention I am going to London in April? Well I am. It was a Birthday present from my mom. I am so stoked!! I haven’t been in London since I was thirteen or something. Can’t wait to see the city again – as an adult.
❤ 04. Something else that I am really excited about this week is that I will be visiting a few different driving schools. It is time! Time to learn to drive. I can’t wait to begin 🙂