Oh my! It was quite fun to watch the parents tell their kids how babies are actually made… I love the kids reaction. Some of the answers the kids give really does amaze me.
Oh my! It was quite fun to watch the parents tell their kids how babies are actually made… I love the kids reaction. Some of the answers the kids give really does amaze me.
❤ 01. Gooooood morning! It’s the start of the second week of the year and I am in the midst of re-reading the course literature. I’ve got a written exam on the 7th and I will be as prepared as I can be! I’ve also got two other exams later this January – got loads to do!
❤ 02. During the past two weeks I’ve been in Stockholm at Richard’s place. Unfortunately I became rather ill and I was in bed most of the time. We did manage to go to the movies twice tho’ (had to watch The Hobbit and Exodus!) This is the first week in three weeks I don’t feel ill, SUCCESS!
❤ 03. I’m really looking forward to classes starting again (which they will on February 2nd). I’m looking forward to fourth semester in general, anything will be better than my last semester. It’s been a toughie!
Have a lovely week yall!
I wasn’t sure what to expect after having seen Noah, which was a bit of a disappointment. However, both Rich and I quite liked this movies spin on Moses. And it really is quite a spin on the old testament and the whole story of Moses. But I have an open mind and I found the movie to deliver good action and an interesting, different, plot. Christian Bale was my main reason to wanting to see it, him and the story of Moses. To my surprise there was a Danish actor in this movie too (woo go Danes making their way up). I think if you’re very religious you might not like this movie at all – but if you keep an open mind it’s just a good action movie with an interesting tale.
Hello! I hope you all made it through Christmas alive! My Christmas was very different this year. First of all I was pretty sick and I could barely hear anything, which made the night rather interesting. Secondly, we were about 25 people. That’s A LOT of people in my eyes, but it was really fun to try. It turned out to be a really good night. I wrote this post in Sweden at my boyfriends place. Originally I wanted to take ‘real’ photos but since I didn’t have a proper camera with me, I decided against it. One of my favorite things about Christmas is to give gifts, especially to children. Rich and I had bought these really huge Elsa doll for his niece, and when she opened it she looked so happy and excited! Basically my favorite moment of the night. I was also really lucky to receive wonderful presents from my family and friends. I picked out some of them to show below;
I am so HAPPY to have gotten all of the things! I also got clothes from H&M, rings from &Otherstories, some nail-polish, a cinema gift certificate, Argan Oil shampoo set from Organic world, bluetooth Iphone talking gloves (which will make me look crazy), and a lipstick + lip-pencil.
What did you guys get? If you’re a blogger do leave a link if you have a similar post 🙂
Håber alle er kommet igennem julen! Jeg havde en rigtig fin juleaften, selvom jeg var rimelig syg. Vi var virkelig mange mennesker, langt flere end jeg er vant til. Men det var en rigtig god aften alligevel. Ovenover har jeg vist og skrevet hvilke gaver jeg har fået i år, føler mig altså virkelig heldig!