Monday mumbles

❤ 01. I was with my god-sister the other day to visit her and my godparents. I cannot say how happy I am that they live in Denmark again. {They lived in Luxembourg for many years} Anyway, to get to their house from the train station one would have to walk through a forest. My god-sister and I walked slowly and took a few pictures. It was a super cozy day and I made lasagne for us and we just chilled with some TV 🙂 I actually ended staying over because it was rather late. Super nice day though and night 😀

❤ 02. Give-away? I know I said like 10 days ago that it would be up in a couple of days but I’ve been so busy with work stuff and school that I just couldn’t find the time. However I’m fixing some photos now and it should be ready sometime this week. I’m looking forward to share this with you guys because I feel it was such a good purchase!

❤ 03. It just hit me that I’m off UNI next week woooo. Well… Off and off… I do have to write a mid-term in my English history course. Personally I think the subject sounds interesting and I’m sure it will be better than my other mid-term I just handed in. God that one was horrid to write :C but I made it!

❤ 04. Did I tell you I got a new job? Anyway, there’s one thing I’m gonna miss; which is nail polish! Because I can’t wear it to work. Which is SO understandable but still, I’m gonna miss my pretty nails. I haven’t gotten my schedule yet so maybe if I have some days close to each other where I’m off work I’ll go all out and wear a billion different shades haha!! I’m really glad to start though. My first day is actually today or well tonight! It’s gonna be fun :]

A box can bring a smile

Yesterday I picked up a box from the post office. Technically these are part of my Birthday present as well. I used some of the money I got to purchase these babies. I can’t wait to begin! I bought the four first book of The Song of Ice and Fire which someone might know as Game of thrones from a new tv-show at HBO. I fell in love with the story when I saw the first episodes of the tv-show and began listening to the second {audio}book and figured I might as well get the first books. I found a great website that offered 138 DKK for those four books {it’s about 25 dollars} I also got Jane Austen’s seven novels her stories are some of my favorite I love the whole world she creates and the love she portrays in the stories and then, as you can see, I got Edgar Allan Poe… I don’t actually like poetry much but I do like his tales.

Monday mumbles

❤ 01. I’ve enjoyed having time off from school. I do like uni and I really like my classmates but a week off has been needed. A week to do nothing in. A week to sit and watch Pride and Prejudice and Jane Eyre over and over again whilst snuggled up in my new blanket with a cup of tea in front of me. There’s been time to play some PC games again which I honestly have not had time for the last two months. It’s been a good couple of days.

❤ 02. Anyone say mid-term? It’s not all been cozy days… I’ve also had to deal with a mid-term paper which has been one of my least favorite subjects; Shakespeare. I know a lot of you out there really like his work but I just… I can’t! I cannot see why it is so wonderful. I have tried because we’re reading Hamlet at the moment and I’ve read Macbeth and other sonnets by him but nothing has changed my mind. My mid-term paper was focused on Sonnet 24… I’ve felt like burning that Sonnet. I think most people from my class has felt that way. Luckily for me we’ll move on from Shakespeare in a couple of weeks.

❤ 03. My sweet friend Mathilde has invited me to a girls night out event this Tuesday! I’m looking forward to seeing her it’s been like a month since I saw her last and it’s been a couple of years since we went to one of these events together. I remember last time we had way too many cosmo’s. I’m not quite sure what the plan is for Tuesday yet but one thing I do know is that we will have a fun and unforgettable night! Do you have any plans this week?

What I usually do on a Sunday

I typically lie on my couch and watch a good movie, or read blogs with a cup a tea, or I meet up with some friends for brunch or tea and else just take it slow all day. However, today I met up with my study group and when we were done talking about our mid-term paper, I decided to stay at the school and finish it and work on another paper due next week too. Anyway I’ll go back to being productive. I hope you’re all having a great Sunday! 

{Peter stayed here as well. Doesn’t he look extremely concentrated? I’m so kind to snatch such a photo heehee}

{I’m listening to this song right this very moment. I love having this kind of music in my ears when I write}

My Birthday presents

From left: I got a blinis-pan so I can make perfect shaped American pancakes, yay! My adorable sister made these two drawings for me, they are so cute. As you may see I’ve also gotten a Chanel nail-polish and it’s the one called “Graphite” I am already in love with it. “The complete tales and poems of Edgar Allan Poe” is now part of my book collection however, I did return this one and got a different edition. Audrey.. Oh Audrey.. the people who has been in my apartment  knows how much I adore her haha! I got a tiny wallet thingy and a beautiful Calendar for 2012 with her on it. The see-through-able box you can see at the top is a makeup organizer {I’ll show you more about that another day.} I got myself some facial and body scrub from the brand Comwell Spa / Spa-losophy. Some cool cash! Who can’t use that!? Can you see the tinie tiny blue thingy next to the money? That’s a broche my sister made for me too, it’s so cute! I also got three great goodies which I really wanted, cover-sheets and pillow-covers, from H&M Home. I’ve also been so lucky to get a huge and very beautiful candle holder + candle from Georg Jensen {a danish brand}, just what I longed for.

I wished for pillows and I got pillows! I am a cuddly-snuggle type of person and I love having loads of pillows in my couch and in my bed. On another note I prefer not sleeping on a pillow, weird huh? I usually sleep on my arm or snuggled all up in my cover. Anyway I got four beautiful pillows and they can all  be bought in Magasin.

As you saw above I got some money and I’ve spend some of that on these babies above. I’ve heard well about this concealer so I though it was about time to try it. So far I’m very happy with my purchase. The lipstick in the middle is “Viva Glam Gaga 2” and I love it! It’s a nude color and looks very cute. The last one is a Mattene Lipstick from MAC’s newest collection called “Legendary” it has a very dark and warm red color. I can make a post about these two later if you would like to see them on?

I also decided to buy a few dvd’s. Tropic Thunder is a favorite. It’s such a silly action-comedy and it generally reminds me of a good time with two close friends. The Shawshank Redemption is a classic which I thought belonged in my collection. Blå mænd, which means blue men, is a danish comedy and blades of glory was on sale for absolutely nothing so I grabbed that too!

The rest of the money was spend on a lot of socks! I can’t believe how much money I actually spend on socks. SOCKS!? But it was needed. I got myself some really nice ones from H&M here amongst some knee high ones and I also bought a pair from Abercrombie & Fitch. I bought a black dress because a girl can’t have too many black dresses am I right? {I’m a little obsessed with black dresses I think I have 12 now…} The cute silver “bag” looking things you can see to the right are from H&M home and to the left there’s another see-through-able thing. Which is a “twin organizer” for cotton pads. Oh right I bought a hat as well! A dark purple one which I thought looked darn fine with the black dress.

My dear ex sent me some presents as well one of them neatly wrapped in home made paper because he allegedly didn’t have any… *shifty eyes* We spoke a couple of months ago about An Idiot Abroad and how I hadn’t seen the show. So when I opened the present I was actually quite surprised. He also got me a bear-hat which I will have to show you soon. I need some better pictures of it. He also did very well in the hat department because; three months ago I mentioned that I liked this hat and he managed to remember go him! It’s an adorable hat btw just wait and see!

I also ordered some books here amongst the other edition of Poe. I’m gonna pick them up Monday from the post office yippeeee! Some gifts I haven’t gotten a picture of is two other books, actually Poe again which I returned too since having two editions of one book is silly! I also got a cupcake book, a beautiful blanket and a third heart-cover-sheet from H&M from my best friend. I am so thankful for all these beautiful gifts! I feel so lucky to have such a kind and generous family and friends. My love and gratitude goes out to them
